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YENEMY Free browser fight and farm gameEnter the battle of the two warring clansObjective is to crash enemy clan TempleBuild the castle to protect your TempleClans have 15 minutes to build castlesCraft gear to fight monsters and foesRepair castle damaged by earthquakeJoin clan raids to storm enemy castleShare battle loot with your clanmatesStay away from imps, liches, and lavaAverage battle duration is 36 minutesStars are awarded at the end of battleWinning clan members get x3 starsStars are doubled during nighttimeReceive coins for the stars you obtainedCoins are awarded every midnightUse coins for permanent upgradesThe day cycle is on Caribbean time
World Cup
List of Ranks
Private Island

storm enemy castle and crush
their temple to obtain generous loot

build and repair your Clan's
castle to protect the Temple

smelt gold or dig ingots in the sand
to summon Dragon or craft Labrys

pick berry bushes and harvest
nuts from trees to stay alive

attack fierce beasts, dig top gear,
and gather coal on Snow Islands

dare to steal gold from lava or defeat
Imp to obtain sulfur for gunpowder

expand tiny island into a shiny continent
with factories and joyful companion

grow crops and sell them to other ports
or process them into goods for more profit

earn discovery points and scrolls in battles
to help your Companion invent factories

trade with other ports, improve your
reputation and earn coins for Royal Upgrades

make a shovel and dig seeds, scrolls,
sandstones, and orbs for your Private Island

Yenemy is updated weekly,
new dungeons and puzzles are coming soon
Enter Battle
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Private Island
Level 0
increases speed & jump power
increases health & reduces hunger
increases energy & improves gathering
increases all damages & bow range
Yenemy Controls
Foraging & Mining
Weapons & Armor
Selfish Play
Castle Construction
Production Buildings
Temple & Dragon
Skills & Levels
Battle Stars

Yenemy Controls

On desktop or laptop, press W or Up arrow to move towards mouse pointer, press Space to jump/sprint, click to gather or attack. Press A or D to strafe, S to backwalk away from mouse pointer. Press ~ for continuous movement.

You can switch between Basic (W is up) and Yenemy (W is towards pointer) controls in the settings.

On mobile, use left-hand joystick to move around and right-hand button to jump; tap hit button to attack or gather.

Battle maps are constructed so that you can get to any point from any direction: there are no invisible walls, map corners, etc.

Moving in deserts, snowlands and water is slower than moving in grasslands.

Pumping your Agility skill up speeds you up a lot.

Foraging & Mining

You can forage berries and wood with bare hands: come to a bush or a tree and click or tap.

To mine stone, ore and coal use a stick or pickaxe; gold mining requires a pickaxe.

Accidentally, you might obtain:
- sedge when foraging bushes
- fiber when foraging palm trees
- iron, coal, or gold when mining stone
- gold when mining iron or coal

If you are playing on desktop or laptop, click middle mouse button for continuous gathering, on mobile - hit button.


Food is essential to survive in Yenemy.

Best way to find food is to look for berry bushes, however, more nourishing type of food - nuts - can incidentally fall when foraging green trees. Food is consumed automatically from the leftmost inventory slot with food.

If you aren't healed up completely, or travelling through deserts or snowlands, food will be consumed faster. Staying inside the castle greatly increases food consumption.

Upgrade Vitality skill to reduce food consumption.


Drag and drop items to move around or combine stacks of a kind.

First two slots are reserved for weapon and armor - drag and drop from other slots to the first two to equip.

On desktop/laptop you can also use hotkeys 1, 2, 3 ... 9 to equip an item from the inventory.

If you have both wooden and metal arrows, press "-" to switch their positions in your inventory.

Double-click or double-tap on an inventory item to split it or disassemble.

Come close, then drag and drop an item from you inventory onto your clanmate to give away.

Click on an item stack in a building to take it partially, Shift-click to take it whole.

Weapons & Armor

Stick is both your first weapon and your first tool; it is made of wood that you forage with bare hands.

After you gather one fiber and some stone, you can upgrade your stick to a spear. Sword and Labrys are made of iron and gold, respectively.

Once crafted, drag and drop your weapon into the first slot of your inventory to equip. Strength skill increases damage of your attacks and improves range of your bow.

When using a bow, hold and release your mouse or tap to draw the string and shoot. You need arrows for archery; metal arrows are more powerful than wooden ones.

Cloth armor is made from fiber and helps well against weaker monsters. Iron armor needs a lot of iron to be crafted and is really good for PvP as well as being safe when mining advanced resources.

Once crafted, drag and drop your armor into the second slot of your inventory to equip.


Stick is good for beginners to mine stone and some ore, as well as for faster wood foraging.

Iron pickaxe is good for mining everything and very fast wood foraging.

With a shovel, you can dig large amounts of sedge in the wild. Shovel is crafted from spear, iron and fiber.

Spears and swords are not good for gathering.


Clanmates are chosen randomly at the start of each battle and they are marked on your mini-map.

When all of clan members are defeated, the clan is reduced to ruins and eliminated.

Color of your clan is chosen randomly at the start of each battle and defines special abilities of all clan members:

- Red clan (Bashers): +25% strength; quickly level up on monsters and hunt down all the enemies for an early win

- Yellow clan (Runners): +25% agility; explore the map, spot enemies, easily run away from foes, and forage berries

- Blue clan (Miners): +25% stamina; produce a lot of weapons and armor for clanmates

- Green clan (Stoics): +25% vitality; survive more damage in fights and less likely to starve

- Brown clan (Builders): -50% cost on all constructions; build a strong castle fast and concentrate on offense

- Orange clan (Farmers): 50% hunger reduction + shovels, berries at start; build a weavery and get cloth armor and plenty of food for the clan

- Purple clan (Dreamers): x2 dragon power + possible gold ore at start; start melting gold and epically defeat other clans

Selfish Play

In many games, you are a chosen hero sent by the ancient gods to save everything in the world by completing simple quests and winning left and right with powerful gear on simple and standard battle mechanics. Yenemy is not this genre of game.

Battles in Yenemy are multifaceted, perfectly balanced, and focused on mutual assistance.

Cloth armor on one of the clan members is not as important for the clan as 4 spears or bows, and one sword is certainly less valuable than a goldsmithy and two towers. So, if you have extra fiber in your inventory, it is better to make weapons and put them in barrels, and if you have iron ingots, then craft a shovel or build a tower.

Do not forget that pickaxes greatly speed up the foraging of wood and mining of stone and accidental gold in your clan. Wood turns into coal and gives more iron bars to the clan; the towers must be filled with stones, and gold is often necessary for victory (see the Temple & Dragon section). Therefore, crafting a sword or metal arrows while your clanmates are gathering wood and stone with sticks is an extremely selfish undertaking.

If you want to be a hero in Yenemy, think about your clanmates first, bring a lot of resources, fight bravely in raids and on defense, take risks for the clan and resurrect if defeated, distract enemies and their dragons, unload trophies into barrels and share food.

Your efforts will be rewarded: remember that a victory at Level 19 yields more Battle Stars than a defeat at Level 56. And even if you lose, at least you will not be a cormorant who let down their clan.

And for those foraging the clan productions to craft top gear for themselves, the game has a Selfish Play penalty and other devaluing mechanics.

Castle Construction

To defend your temple, build walls around it.

Walls can be constructed on the castle flooring; new floor tiles can be placed adjacent next to existing ones.

Once your clan starts producing iron, place trebuchet towers on the top of your clan walls.

To load with ammo, come close to a trebuchet tower and turn towards it, then drag and drop stones from your inventory into an ammo slot or onto the tower.

Construct barrels to store extra food, weapons, ammo, and materials for the clanmates who will stop by at the castle. Each barrel can contain only one type of good.

Building or repairing gives you experience based on the amount of resources used.

Repairing a building requires more resources than it did to build it originally.

Production Buildings

The buildings in your castle can be constructed to make various goods and crafting components.

Forge produces iron: come close to the building and turn towards it, then drag and drop your ore and coal into the slots or onto the building. If your clan`s forge is shining then you are set. One iron bar needs 10 ore and 10 coal.

Coal Maker produces coal. The more wood you place in the maker, the faster and more coal will be made.

Weavery makes one fiber from ten sedge. Fiber is needed for bows, spears, shovels and both types of armor.

Goldsmithy melts gold into ingots; ingots are used to summon Dragon - your nuke in the world of Yenemy.

Temple & Dragon

Your clan starts with the temple built with engraving of the dragon in the colors of your clan.

If the temple is even slightly hit by a monster or an enemy player, then the clan and all its members are defeated.

At the start of battle, temples are protected for several minutes, and the timer is shown above the temple. You will receive a quick message, when 5 minutes or 1 minute under protection left, and you will hear a gong when temple protection is over.

You can click or tap on the temple to get to the shore without losing your progress. If your clan wins while you are resting in the temple, you will get stars at a one-to-two daytime or one-to-one nighttime ratio.

Once your goldsmithy produced or you managed to loot ingots from foes or treasures, bestow the ingots into the temple and, when you are ready, summon a dragon by clicking on the output slot.

The more ingots are bestowed, the stronger your dragon is. For example, 1 ingot makes it a decorative butterfly, 200-ingot dragon will take care of all your foes.

If you play for the Purple clan (Dreamers), the dragon will be 3 times stronger.


You can accidentally find a treasure with valuable goods while digging random ground in deserts and snowlands.

Also, search for shipwreck on the shores and debris in the water, they may contain something useful unless already looted.

Skills & Levels

During a battle you receive XP for foraging, mining and defeating monsters and enemy players.

Defeating enemy players gives you half of their total XP. Your XP bar is at the bottom of the screen, and when the bar fills, you level up.

Your current level is shown in the rank icon
left to your name. You can check levels of your clanmates and enemies in the battle leaderboard.

You receive one free skill point for every level. Click
and click on a skill to improve it.

Strength: increases damage you deal in a fight and range of your bow.

Agility: improves your speed and makes you jump farther.

Stamina: increases your maximum energy and gathering efficiency.

Vitality: increases your maximum health and reduces food consumption.

Battle Stars

If you survive the battle and your clan wins, then your level converts into Battle Stars one-to-one. For example, if at the time of victory you are Level 12, then you receive 12 Battle Stars.

If you are defeated, but your clan wins, then your level converts into Battle Stars two-to-one. For example, if at the time of defeat you are Level 12, then you receive 6 Battle Stars.

If your clan is defeated, then your level in the battle will convert to Battle Stars three-to-one. For example, if at the time of defeat you are Level 12, then you receive 4 Battle Stars.

Battle stars are doubled during the night. Clock at the top of the screen during battle shows current time of day.

The stars are awarded at the end of battle, and notifications about battle results are sent to your in-game Inbox.


The main sources of coins are Daily, Weekly and Monthly tournaments, and, respectively, the coins are awarded at the end of each day, week and month.

Coins you receive depend on two factors: your Battle Stars (obtained during current day, week or month) and place in respective tournament. Projected awards are displayed in the charts of the Tournaments section.

The higher is your place in a tournament, the better your Battle Stars convert to coins. If you manage to maintain your place in a tournament during a day, week, or month, then your projected coins will convert (respectively, at the end of day, week or month) to actual coins just as displayed in the chart of the Tournaments section.

The tournaments are designed so that even lowest ranking players receive a coin at the end of day. To receive your first coin in a given day, week, or month, you only need to receive one Battle Star.

You are automatically enrolled in Daily, Weekly and Monthly tournaments, and no additional action is needed to participate.

Rank-based daily wages are another source of coins. Tolerated can claim 1 coin every day, Familiar - 2 coins, Respected - 3 coins, Famous - 4 coins, Legendary - 5 coins.


Achievements track your progress in all Yenemy aspects and provide rewards to claim when a new achievement tier is reached.

Upgrades can be purchased for Yenemy coins and are permanent: their effects are applied to all battles.


As your all-time Battle Stars achieve a new threshold, you are granted a new rank.

The ranks are
- Unknown: less than 10 Battle Stars
- Tolerated: 10+ Battle Stars
- Familiar: 100+ Battle Stars
- Respected: 1,000+ Battle Stars
- Famous: 10,000+ Battle Stars
- Legendary: 100,000 Battle Stars

Achieving a new rank awards extra coins and a "scare-your-enemies" exclusive icon next your name both in battles and in Yenemy chat.

Click or tap List of Ranks section to see your progress.


Press Enter on desktop or tap
on mobile to open quick message window. Type your message and click Enter again to send.

Once you send a message, your clanmates will see your location flashing on their mini-maps.

If you type . in the beginning of your message, it will be delivered to all players including foes.


Stepping back and attacking at the same time is a good tactics for archers and spearmen.

Try to avoid fights when you are low on food.

Be reserved when taking away form productions and barrels: split it in the inventory, keep only what`s needed, return the rest.

Stay away from lava during night time.

Use your clan`s special ability wisely.

Be cautious when wandering in deserts at night, as poisonous cacti grow there.

Whether against monsters or enemy players, several fighters are stronger than one.


Do not use VPN while playing for better latency.

Close all other apps for better performance on mobile.

If you are not playing on website, you may experience logouts when reloading.
Graphics Quality
Desktop WASD Controls
Basic (W is up)
Yenemy (W is toward mouse)
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To The Shore